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Advanced Metallization Conference 2016
26th Asian Session

(1) Instructions for the preparation of a manuscript for JJAP
Please see details in the following documents.

How to write A Research Paper (PDF)

Instructions for preparation of manuscript (PDF)

Agreement for Copyright Transfer and for Publication Charge Payment (PDF)

For general information, please visit to

2) Submission period
Nobember 20, 2016 >>
December 2, 2016

Your paper(s) can be submitted through the following URL.

Please do not use a regular submission site.

Japanese site:

English site:

(3) Type of Papers
You can choose Regular Paper (RP) or Brief Note (BN) as shown below. The type of the submitted paper cannot be changed after submission.

Regular Papers <RP>
・RPs are original papers with comprehensive, detailed descriptions of the research work, presenting fully-developed discussions on the results obtained in respective fields of applied physics. They must provide sufficient and self-contained information to ensure the repeatability of experiments and analyses by readers.
・There is no length limit to the paper.
・The abstract should be no more than 150 words.
・Papers should include sections with titles, such as Introduction, Experimental Methods, Results and Discussion, etc.
・Full papers typically have approximately 30 or more references.

Brief Notes <BN>

・BNs are short reports on significant improvements in instrumentation, fabrication processes, measurement techniques and theoretical analyses, as well as serving as an archive for knowledge useful for applied physics such as important material parameters. The research topic described must be of interest to researchers working in the field of applied physics.
・The maximum length is three printed pages (about 3090 words).
・The abstract should be no more than 100 words.
・BN should not be divided into sections.

(4) Publication Charge
Authors or their institutions are requested to pay the publication charge according to the following rates when the paper is accepted. 20,000JPY/article

(5) Reprints
The reprints service is accessed directly from the article abstract in IOPscience via the “Buy this article in print” link within the Article Information section. For orders in excess of 250 copies, please contact pod@iop.org.

(6) Copyright
Copyright for an article submitted to JJAP is transferred to the Japan Society of Applied Physics when the manuscript is accepted for publication by JJAP Editorial Board.

(7) Others
Instructions for preparation of manuscripts, Agreement for Copyright Transfer and Publication Charge Payment, LaTeX style sheets can be downloaded from the following URL.

(C) ADMETA Plus 2016 all rights reserved.